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RCIS ReferencesThe textbooks listed below are intended as recommended resources when preparing for examination. You may have previousor later editions of these or other references available that alsopresent acceptable coverage of the subject matter. Any generaltext in cardiovascular techniques and evaluation, and cardiacpatient care and management may be used. It is not necessary touse all…

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Explanation Muscle Weakness This could be from an pH imbalance. Urine Note sure the patho on this one Respiratory Distress Could be from interference of calcium Cardiac Contractility Calcium is needed to trigger the muscle contraction. But too much K could disrupt that ECG Changes You probably won’t see this until very late, when K…

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Common drug used to control/convert Atrial Fibrillation. Nurses: PT/PTT/INR testing not necessary due to its’ wide therapeutic window. This makes it advantageous compared to Heparin, which has to be monitored consistently via aPTT. —Per LabCorps: “Routine therapeutic monitoring of apixaban level is not required because of the drug’s relatively wide therapeutic index. Despite the use…

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CoroMed App Info

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CoroMed App Login NEW INPUT WEBSITE https://coromed-b3590.web.app password see notes APP STORE LINK GOOGLE PLAY STORE LINK Google Approved!!!! Adding YouTube Links: Bottom line: to make links, enter the “Title,Link” with NO spaces in between Or you can go into Firebase and enter it (use two different fields by adding the ‘+’ button by hovering…

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