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CoroMed App Login NEW INPUT WEBSITE password see notes APP STORE LINK GOOGLE PLAY STORE LINK Google Approved!!!! Adding YouTube Links: Bottom line: to make links, enter the “Title,Link” with NO spaces in between Or you can go into Firebase and enter it (use two different fields by adding the ‘+’ button by hovering…

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REPLETING ELECTROLYTES Before repleting, always ask yourself: how’s the patient’s renal function? For decreased renal function: Always error on the side of UNDER replacement. MNEMONIC To remember how to replete, remember: 4-3-2 K (goal around 4.0): usually 10 mEq will give you a rise of 0.1 mEq/L; IV and PO have an equivalent effect. Fastest…

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NOTE: Check to see if the template is still programmed in Cerner already 🙂 Ward:   [ Assigned Nurse Unit ] Room:   [ Assigned Room ]   [ Language ]  Arrival:   [ Arrival Date and Time ]   [ Hospitalist Code Status ] Shift: NOC (1900-0700) BRIEF SYNOPSIS: RN ACUTE CONCERNS: ICU IV Drips:   […

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